My solo show has opened as the inaugural exhibition at the beautiful new Dunedin City Hall. I am honored to have the opportunity to bring my work to the City of Dunedin with special thanks to the curators Elizabeth Brincklow and Mary Childs.
The show is open for viewing during business hours and during public meetings. This exhibition up through December joins several other artists work including the amazing Nathan Beard, that has been installed in the permanent collection and includes the amazing Heath Satow sculpture "The See" installed in the front of the new building. There will be a reception for the public November 9th at 6:00PM. Dunedin City Hall Gallery is located at 737 Louden Ave., Dunedin FL 34698.
Look Up! Honored to have be juried into 4 projects through the Kenwood Public Art Initiative - Benches in Seminole Park in 2017, Banners on 1st Avenue 2019, and Phase I and II of the Neighborhood Identity Sign Finials 2019 and 2021